Significant Reference Materials
2018, The Soldier’s Heavy Load
Center for a New American Security (CNAS): Army Research Laboratory report highlighted consequences of heavy burdened dismounted troops
2017, Foot Marches (ATP 3-21.18/FM 21-18)
HQDA/Maneuver Center of Excellence (preparer): Updated core doctrine on dismounted movement, recommends the use of wheeled combat load carts (Section 3-44, 45, 46)
2016, Foot Marching and Load Carriage Injuries
Army Medical Department (AMEDD): The Army’s prescription for off-loading, including use of carts, in order to reduce adverse effects of the load
1994, The Factors of Soldier’s Load, GEN Townsend
Master’s thesis written 25 years ago by the former TRADOC CG and current AFRICOM CG, examining overloading of dismounted combat Soldiers
1990, Soldier Performance as a Function of Stress and Load: A Review
U.S. Army Research Institute: Impacts of Soldier load on human performance, 10-15% decrement in performance for every 10 pounds of load over 40.
1989, Loads Carried by Soldiers: Historical, Physiological, Biomechanical and Medical Aspects
U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (NATIK): Effects of Soldier load in energy cost and health effects and recommends reducing loads with new technologies